Artikel ini merupakan salah satu koleksi disertasi / tesis Viva para Platinum Dr Roket yang diakui sah dengan izin pengkaji. Sebarang peniruan / salinan di tempat lain adalah tidak dibenarkan.
Disertasi/ Tesis Viva ~ (Dr) Nurul Faizah, PhD UiTM
Setinggi-tinggi jutaan TAHNIAH kepada bangsa pascasiswazah yang berjaya menyempurnakan pengajian Master atau PhD. Bagi mereka yang telah menamatkan pengajian PhD kini berjaya menerima gelaran Doktor Falsafah.
Alhamdulillah, seorang lagi ahli platinum Dr Roket telah menjalani ‘the real Vivalicious’ di bilik Viva pada 3 Disember 2024 iaitu (Dr) Nurul Faizah binti Hamzah.
Jutaan tahniah diucapkan kepada (Dr) Nurul Faizah yang telah selesai membentang tesis di bilik Viva. Syukur, beliau telah LULUS Viva dengan jayanya.
Berikut merupakan sedikit latar belakang kajian beliau yang telah mengizinkan perkongsian ini untuk rujukan umum.
Semoga perkongsian ini mampu memberikan manfaat kepada ummah terutamanya pelajar yang akan atau sedang berada di dalam pengajian.
(Dr) Nurul Faizah Binti Hamzah.
Built & Environment.
Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Shah Alam.
Developing Sustainable Facilities Management Life Cycle Framework for Local Authority in Accelerating Smart City Components.
1. Assoc. Prof. Sr. Dr. Mohamad Sufian Hasim.
2. Assoc. Prof. Sr. Dr. Nor Rima Muhamad Ariff.
Smart City was developed to mitigate sustainable issues in a city. To support that, facilities in the city also must ready to cope with the need for smart city in various aspects mainly sustainability issues. It is notable that, facilities life cycle also contributes to sustainability issues, hence, it require an excellent management of the facilities by the facilities owner specifically local authority as they owned most of the facilities in the cities.
Realizing the need, an integrated perspective is required to forsee and develop to improve the silo minded view in supporting smart city goal. Hence this research propose to develop an integrated framework that integrate sustainability, facilities life cycle, role of local authority and smart city together in one single framework.
Future research are recommended to replicate the research and conducted in other country, and extended the smart city components that are not covers in this research which are Smart governance, Smart economy, Smart living, Smart government, Smart mobility, and Smart digital infrastructure.
In addition, future research also suggested to conduct effectiveness and the application of this research in the practices among the local authorities. Future research also can explore other theory from other field of study such as stakeholders theory, organisational theory and leadership theory to be integrate in the research.
Potential future researcher also suggested to explore other research methods of data collection such as web site review, observation, document review and focus group discussion in the study. Finallay, future research also can extended this research to other context such as banking, hotel, malls and also to other government organisation such as ministry of health, ministry of defense, ministry of education and ministry with huge facilities to be manage.
Terima kasih kepada (Dr) Nurul Faizah atas jasa dan kesudian berkongsi ilmu di atas sebagai panduan dan rujukan ummah dan bangsa ‘Postgraduate’ di luar sana.
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