Recently, Dr. Roket introduced an occasion called VivaLicious from October 14 to 16. It ended up being an exhilarating experience for many postgraduates. How??
Let’s go over VivaLicious’ past in brief. You will be plagued by the Viva Presentation throughout your whole Master’s and PhD journey. Before receiving your Master’s and PhD scrolls and graduating, it is one of the major steps. I considered assisting our postgraduate students in improving their presenting and planning skills. It is a difficult process to go through, but it is always achievable. When you possess the required abilities and comprehend the procedure, terror will never cross your mind.
Regardless of our personal or societal preferences, we all depend on the impact of those around us and their opinions on various situations. To know how to filter this knowledge for specific scenarios you are facing during your Master’s and PhD path needs a lot of courage and expertise. Some of the information you were given may or may not be accurate. You must ultimately determine what is best for you along the route.
The Dos and Don’ts of Viva Preparation without Appropriate Handouts as a Guide because it Varies Depending on Your Research Fields. Only you are aware of the specifications and measurements needed to complete each task and reach a higher grade. But the appeal of this event is that it emphasises your level of readiness and expertise in comprehending your research more thoroughly than anyone else. Because you will need to know it across every page as a necessary requirement, as an essence to the life of your thesis, if you are going to claim that it is your hard work.
When you are passionate about your research you will ace every exercise or question during the session. When it comes to your thesis, why should fear enter your mind? The real goal of joining VivaLicious 5.0 is to unleash your inner researcher and finish your thesis in all its glorious grandeur. This is the reason why Dr. Roket considers VivaLicious to be one of his select and elite events to attend. You must abide by a set of requirements in order to receive an invitation to this event.
You will get knowledge and inspiration on how to enhance your presentation process throughout the VivaLicious process, from preparation through presentation and Q&A sessions.
Will you be ready to handle the process as it is being handled while receiving special support and valuable input at the end of the sessions to avoid ruining your finest performance on the “Big Viva Day”? Even though it can be a contentious situation, I think it will be the most memorable moment of your life. More than just helping you accomplish your thesis, master’s and PhD programmes will deepen your understanding of life and mould you into a better version of yourself as you advance. I genuinely think there’s more to life than what the naked eye can see at every stage of your development with your thesis. You will be one with your thesis, and it will have the same lasting influence as who you are ultimately intended to become.
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